Middle Cerebral Artery: A Common Site for Stroke

Middle cerebral artery (MCA) strokes occur when the MCA or its branches are occluded. With occlusion, blood, and along with it, oxygen and nutrients fail to reach the brain. If blood flow is not restored quickly the affected brain tissue dies leading to permanent neurological injury.

Risk factors for MCA strokes are the same for other strokes. They include hypertension, diabetes, smoking, atrial fibrillation, and a whole slew of hypercoagulable states (ie: pathologic increases in the bodies’ propensity to form blood clots).

In order to understand MCA strokes we have to first appreciate the anatomy of the MCAs, as well as the brain that they serve. The MCAs are subdivided into four parts. The M1 segment is one of the terminal branches of the internal carotid artery. The MCAs then become progressively more narrow and form more and more branches as they reach out towards the cortical surfaces of the brain. The most distal portions of the MCA are deemed the M4 branches. The lateral lenticulostriate arteries are small branches that branch from the M1 segments; these small arteries feed some of the deeper structures of the brain.

Importantly, the MCAs and their branches provide blood flow to an extremely large portion of the brain. These areas include the lateral and inferior frontal lobes, superior portion of the temporal lobes, insula, and lateral parietal lobes. Branches of the first portion of the MCAs (aka: the lateral lenticulostriate arteries) also provide blood flow to the deep sections of the brain including the putamen, head and body of the caudate, external globus pallidus, and parts of the posterior limb of the internal capsule.

The segmental anatomy of the MCAs is important because strokes that occur in the outer segments (ie: M3 and M4) cause less neurological injury than the inner MCA segments (ie: M1 and M2). This is because less total brain volume is affected by outer segment strokes.

The most common cause of MCA strokes are clots that break off and travel from the heart or the carotid arteries to the MCA (aka: emboli). Less commonly, a blood clot will form directly in the MCA itself (aka: thrombus). Atherosclerotic disease is the most common cause of thrombus formation in the MCA and atrial fibrillation (an abnormal heart rhythm) is the most common cause of emboli from the heart.

Signs and Symptoms

Middle cerebral artery strokes present with one of two types of syndromes depending on which MCA – right or left – is involved, as well as which segments of the MCA are involved.

In the worst case scenario, a stroke of the right or left M1 segment of the MCA causes weakness of the opposite side of the body. This is a result of cortical damage to the primary motor cortex as well as possible infarction of the posterior limb of the internal capsule (ie: the location of descending motor tracts). MCA strokes usually present with face and arm weakness that is worse than leg weakness. Remember that the motor cortex that controls leg function is served by the anterior cerebral arteries.

M1 strokes also cause decreased ability to feel sensation on the opposite side of the body as a result of damage to the parietal lobes.

Damage to the optic radiations, which course in the parietal (Baum’s loop) and temporal lobes (Meyer’s loop) can cause problems with vision. Finally, injuries to the frontal eye fields cause the eyes to deviate towards the side of the stroke (ie: the frontal eye fields normally allow you to make fast eye movements in the opposite direction, therefore damage prevents patients from looking to the non-affected side).

Right and left sided M1 strokes will give you all of the above symptoms; however, laterality can be determined based on specific symptoms caused by only a left or a right sided strokes.

The poor patients with left M1 strokes have a decreased ability to speak and/or understand language because of damage to Broca’s area in the left frontal lobe (speech production) and Wernicke’s area in the left temporal lobe (speech comprehension). Remember this is in addition to all the other stuff above.

Right M1 strokes can cause "anosognosia", in which the patient is unaware of certain deficits they may have; these patients also often fail to recognize the left side of their body (ie: they "neglect" or fail to appreciate the entire left side of the world) and may have difficulty appreciating people or objects presented in their left visual field.

Right MCA stroke
Less "severe" cases, in which M2, M3 or M4 branches are affected can produce a variety of signs and symptoms depending on the specific branches involved.


Diagnosis of MCA strokes are based on symptoms, CT scans, and MRI images. CT and MR angiograms frequently show the blocked blood vessel causing the stroke. CT perfusion scans are a newer technology that give information regarding the amount of blood flow to affected brain tissue.


Treatment depends on the timing of the stroke. If the patient presents within 3 hours of symptom onset, and the head CT reveals no bleeding, than intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) may be given to help "break" up the blood clot causing the stroke.

Other treatments using catheter based approaches are frequently used in patients who are unable to receive tPA. Such treatments include mechanical clot removal with special catheter and wire devices. In addition, in patients more than 3 hours, but less than 6 hours out from symptom onset intra-arterial (not to be confused with intravenous) tPA may be used.

Less commonly, large "malignant" MCA strokes may cause significant swelling, which can put pressure on the brainstem. These patients sometimes undergo an open surgical procedure known as a "craniectomy", in which the bone overlying the affected brain tissue is removed. This surgery allows the edematous brain tissue to swell outwards preventing it from herniating downwards towards vital brainstem structures.


Middle cerebral artery strokes are most commonly caused by blood clots that break off from the heart or carotid artery. Symptoms of MCA strokes depend on the segment involved, as well as which MCA (right versus left) is involved. Diagnosis is made with a combination of MRI, CT, and symptomatology. Treatment consists of intravenous or intra-arterial tPA and/or mechanical clot removal depending on the time frame of the symptoms.

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References and Resources

Atherosclerosis: Gruel and Hardening


What does the term atherosclerosis mean? If we break the term down into its components, "athero" is Greek for a gruel or paste, and sclerosis means hardening. This is precisely what is happening in the blood vessels of people with this disease; a paste-like material hardens to form a plaque. The specifics of how that paste-like material forms are much more complicated.

The paste-like material is composed of several different elements. The first, and perhaps most important element, is low density lipoprotein (ie: LDL). LDL, or the “bad cholesterol” as it is commonly referred, is a mixture of lipid (ie: fat and cholesterol) and protein. These molecules are highly atherogenic, which means they accelerate the plaque forming process.

How does LDL lead to a plaque? The first step involves disruption of part of the blood vessel known as the intima. Blood vessels have three layers: intima, media, and adventitia. The intimal layer is the portion of the vessel directly in contact with blood flow. It is composed of endothelial cells, which have numerous important functions. The medial layer is smooth muscle that controls the diameter of the blood vessel; the adventitial layer is a connective tissue coating (ie: similar to the plastic coating surrounding an electrical wire) that anchors the vessel to adjacent structures in the body.

Blood Vessel with Plaque

When the intimal layer is disrupted, LDL particles floating in the blood get trapped in the vessel wall. Once trapped, they start an inflammatory reaction. White blood cells (a key component of inflammation) known as macrophages are recruited to the vessel’s walland gobble up the intruding LDL particles. At this point the macrophages are known as “foam cells”. Foam cells get enmeshed in a web of scar and smooth muscle. All of this together becomes a "plaque".


The symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on how large the plaques are, and where they are located. The three common symptoms associated with atherosclerosis:

(1) Angina (chest pain) – read about acute coronary syndromes
(2) Transient ischemic attacks (TIA)
(3) Vascular claudication

Angina refers to chest pain that occurs with exercise (by exercise we refer to any activity above normal daily activity). The pain is a result of atherosclerotic plaque blocking the increased blood flow needed to supply the heart during strenuous activities. In essence, what is happening is that the heart is "starving" for oxygen, which results in chest pain. When the patient stops exercising the heart no longer needs as much oxygen; the amount of blood flow is again adequate, and the chest pain ceases. Angina is a harbinger of a potential heart attack.

Transient ischemic attacks are due to atherosclerosis in the blood vessels leading to the brain. The temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain caused by the blockages can result in stroke-like symptoms that resolve within twenty-four hours. TIAs are harbingers of potential strokes in the future.

If atherosclerosis develops in the vessels going to the lower extremities, vascular claudication occurs. Claudication refers to pain in the legs that worsens while walking (or running). Similar to angina, the pain is due to blocked blood flow to the legs secondary to the plaques. A condition known as "Leriche’s syndrome" occurs when there is decreased blood flow to not only the legs, but also the vessels leading to the penis. This causes not only lower extremity claudication, but also impotence.

The complications of atherosclerosis stem from the symptoms. They include myocardial infarction (eg: heart attack), of which angina is a warning sign; as well as cerebrovascular accidents (eg: strokes), of which transient ischemic attacks serve as a warning. Worsening disease in the lower extremities can lead to gangrenous limbs and the need for potential amputation.

(1) Myocardial infarction (eg: heart attack)
(2) Cerebrovascular accidents (eg: stroke)
(3) Worsening lower extremity disease -> amputations


Diagnosis of atherosclerotic disease depends on the location of symptoms. If anginal chest pain is the main symptom several different studies can be done. One such study is the “stress test”. There are several different permutations of the stress test.

All of them include two components. The first is a method of "visualizing" the heart. This can be done by ECG, echocardiography (ie: ultrasound of the heart), or nuclear/radioactive scans. The second component involves "stressing" the heart. This is most commonly done by exercising on a treadmill, but medications like dobutamine can also be used if the patient cannot exercise for whatever reason.

Stress Testing
Methods for visualizing the heart’s function – Electrocardiogram (ECG)
– Echocardiogram (echo)
– Nuclear studies
Methods for stressing the heart – Exercise (ie: treadmill)
– Medications (ie: dobutamine, persantine, etc.)

If the stress test is positive, or there is a high index of suspicion for atherosclerosis involving the coronary arteries, the next test performed is an angiogram. This involves injecting radio-opaque contrast material into the coronary arteries through a tiny catheter. The coronary arteries can then be visualized using x-rays. Areas where there is less contrast in the vessel indicate coronary atherosclerotic disease. The image below is an example of narrowing in the circumflex artery (indicated by the arrow).

Angiogram Circumflex Atherosclerosis

If the involved areas are the carotid arteries, a test known as "carotid artery duplex scanning" can be done. This involves using ultrasound to detect the amount of blood flow present in the vessel(s). Decreased rates are often attributable to atherosclerotic disease.

Finally, if disease is thought to be present in the lower extremities, a test known as the arterial brachial-ankle index (ABI) is obtained. This test involves taking the blood pressure in the arm and the leg and comparing the results. Blood pressure should be about equal in the upper and lower extremities resulting in a brachial to ankle ratio of 1.0. However, if there is atherosclerotic diseases in the lower extremities the ABI decreases to less than 1.0.

Location of suspected atherosclerotic disease: Initial test performed:
– Coronary arteries – Stress test
– Carotid arteries – Duplex scanning
– Arteries of lower extremities – Ankle-Brachial index (ABI)

Occasionally cardiologists or vascular surgeons will recommend a more invasive procedure known as a "catheterization". In this procedure a small catheter is threaded from a blood vessel in the groin to the area of interest (ie: the heart, carotids, vessels of the lower extremities). From there radio-opaque dye is injected. A fancy X-ray machine can then pick up locations of significant plaque formation.


Treatment is designed to prevent further plaque formation. Since LDL plays a crucial role in this process, it is a target of medical therapy, but in order to understand treatment we have to first understand how cholesterol gets into the body. Cholesterol is either (a) absorbed by the gut from your diet, or (b) produced naturally by your body through a series of biosynthetic reactions.

The first interventions for decreasing cholesterol in the body are, you guessed it, dietary modifications. By decreasing the amount of cholesterol in the diet it is possible to decrease the amount of cholesterol, either free or in the form of LDL, that is in the blood stream. There is also some evidence that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats (ie: α-linolenic acid, an ω-3 fatty acid) can decrease atherosclerotic plaque formation.

Unfortunately, diet and exercise are not always enough to decrease blood cholesterol levels to acceptable limits. Several medications have been developed, and as one could imagine, they target either cholesterol in the gut, or the biosynthetic machinery that produces cholesterol naturally.

There are several types of drugs that bind cholesterol in the gut to keep it from being absorbed. They are referred to as "bile acid binding medications" or "bile acid sequestrants". It is important to realize that bile acids, which are secreted by the liver and gallbladder, are rich in cholesterol.

Under normal circumstances they are reabsorbed by the gut and recycled back into the bile pathway. By inhibiting their re-absorption, cholesterol from the blood stream is recruited by the liver to replace the bile acids that were previously being recycled. The ultimate effect is that these drugs decrease the amount of cholesterol in the blood stream. There are three common medications in this category: colesevelam, cholestyramine, and colestipol.

Another medication, ezetimibe, directly binds to free cholesterol in the gut. As a result, less cholesterol is delivered to the liver. To compensate, the liver increases its ability to absorb LDL and other forms of cholesterol from the blood resulting in decreased plasma levels.


(1) diet and
(2) bile acid
(3) statins
(4) niacin
(5) fibrates
Perhaps the most widely used class of medications used to treat atherosclerosis are known as “statins.” Statins such as atorvastatin and pravastatin inhibit an enzyme (ie: HMG-CoA reductase) that normally produces cholesterol in the body. These medications dramatically reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack in patients with atherosclerotic disease.

A vitamin, niacin (ie: vitamin B3), can also lead to favorable effects on the lipid profile of the blood. It increases "good" cholesterol (ie: HDL). It is believed to perform these feats by increasing the activity of an enzyme, lipoprotein lipase, which normally breaks down VLDL particles (a precursor of LDL).

A final category of medications known as the "fibrates" decrease fat content in the blood. They do not necessarily affect LDL levels significantly, but they do decrease another atherosclerotic forming fat type known as triglycerides. The two common fibrates in use today are gemfibrozil and fenofibrate.


Atherosclerosis is due to LDL trapping in blood vessel walls. This trapping results in inflammation and the formation of a fibromuscular plaque. Symptoms include angina (ie: chest pain), lower extremity claudication, and transient ischemic attacks. Diagnosis is made by stress testing, carotid ultrasound, and ankle-brachial index; more invasive testing with groin catheters can be performed as well. Treatment is based on decreasing cholesterol absorption from the gut, or decreasing the bodies natural mechanism for creating cholesterol.

References and Resources

  • Negi S, Nambi V. Coronary heart disease risk stratification: pitfalls and possibilities. Methodist Debakey Cardiovasc J. 2010 Dec;6(4):26-32.
  • Amarenco P, Lavallée PC, Labreuche J, et al. Prevalence of Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients With Cerebral Infarction. Stroke. 2010 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Kumar V, Abbas AK, Fausto N. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. Seventh Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2004.
  • Lilly LS, et al. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease: A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty. Fourth Edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006.
  • Flynn JA. Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford American Handbooks of Medicine). First Edition. Oxford University Press, 2007.